A Forgotten Planet
Although this is a true story, the plot actually spans millennia on a forgotten planet that is fated to extinction. Our reluctant protagonist is a young woman, born in the rural south of the United States. Little does she know that she has forgotten an assignment agreed upon long ago in the faded mists of time.

A Different Sort of Life
Everyone is unique, but there are those who are a bit different than most. Since childhood, Anne has been inexplicably directed by a mystical, ever-present intuitive sense. Somehow she knows she is on a mission, although she has a nagging feeling that she has forgotten something very important.

Partners Across Lifetimes
As the story unfolds, Anne is reunited with her counterpart in an ancient assignment. Although they are unaware of it at first, Alden is both her partner and her love who has eluded her throughout lifetimes.
The time has come at last, yet Anne has forgotten who she is and why she is here. She’s been discouraged so many times in the past that she wants to be released from her mission. Her partner’s role is to help forge a bond of trust, while bringing much-needed clarity to their shared commitment. However, the experience of the five blue rings will challenge everything they have ever believed—and transform their lives forever.

Danger on the High Seas
First, however, Anne will have to face one of the most daunting and perilous challenges of her life. Having been duped by an unscrupulous businessman, she stands alone at the helm of a battered, un-seaworthy ship. She must learn to steer the vessel and fight a desperate struggle in a violent storm to save the lives of those on board, including her five-year-old daughter. Finally, she must handle a suspicious Coast Guard boarding and make sure everyone on the ship is spared the consequences.
Only 48 hours have passed, but this challenge has awakened the inner resources she needs to fulfill her assignment with the five blue rings.

Five Blue Rings is a Grand Adventure
In this epic tale, the power of the five blue rings manifests dramatically. The energy from the rings is seen as a dazzling blue shaft of light that lingers for hours, and with it an accompanying sound which provides an uplifting presence.
This experience is both mystifying and astounding, yet it contains a beautiful global vision for us all.
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